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총 게시물 330건, 최근 1 건 안내 글쓰기
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[IYUNO] Japanese to English Subtitle Translator Freelance Position

글쓴이 : iyunomg 날짜 : 2019-07-16 (화) 00:19 조회 : 7089
글주소 : http://www.cakonet.com/b/B34-649

IYUNO is the world’s leading media localization service company that connects video and people. We are the most spotlighted company providing subtitling and dubbing services in multi-languages not only to the biggest OTT platforms, but also international broadcasting companies. For more information, please visit our official website at https://www.iyunomg.com/.

IYUNO discovers potential talent at an early stage with extraordinary philosophy and supports them to grow. IYUNO believes the power of collective intelligence and together we are a team player organization that can draw outstanding solutions with innovative thoughts. 

Sometimes, IYUNO argues decisively but we do respect each individual we meet. IYUNO will try to expand and take new business opportunities to develop our business in sophisticated and systematic ways. Now, we are waiting for you to join us to achieve our goal together. To find out more about corporate culture, please visit our official website at https://www.iyunomg.com/.

Japanese to English Subtitle Translator 

Job Description:

• Translator: Create localized English subtitles for video contents in Japanese


• Native or Native-like level of proficiency in English and Japanese with a good command of both colloquial and written English and Japanese

• Attention to detail and accuracy

• Previous experience in translation or proofreading is preferred

• Positive, can-do spirit, proactive, result-driven, and resourceful

• Willing to learn new things and enjoying new challenges

• Able to work in a fast-paced environment and within limited time constraints


• This is a freelancing position with no limitation as to the location

If you wish to apply for the position above, you may go directly to our on-boarding platform: 


Thank you in advance for your consideration!

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