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Calgary booked.net
총 게시물 329건, 최근 0 건 안내 글쓰기
이전글  다음글  목록 글쓰기

캘러리 기공소 (메탈, 왁스, 세라믹) 각 분야별 함께 일하실 분을 찾고있습니다.

글쓴이 : UNICE 날짜 : 2018-08-27 (월) 16:32 조회 : 9993
글주소 : http://www.cakonet.com/b/B34-429

캘거리 최대의 한인 기공소, 50명 전문가들이 함께 모여서 일하고 있습니다.  

많은 분들의 관심부탁 드립니다. 


UNICE Dental Art Ltd is looking for a skilled Metal, Wax, Ceramist Technician to join our growing team. Our ideal candidate is a team player with great attention to detail and previous hands-on experience; this individual will be eager to learn and open to constructive criticism. If this description sounds like you, we’d love to have a chat. 


Responsibilities and Duties

-          Wax set-up

-          Casting

-          Investing

-          Polishing

-          Mounting



Responsibilities and Duties

-          Pouring up impressions

-          Mounting

-          Carving

-          Full Mouth Wax-up



 Responsibilities and Duties:

-          Produce porcelain veneers, temporary crowns, and diagnostic wax-ups

<iframe width="300" height="250" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_3" name="aswift_3" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 300px; height: 250px"></iframe>

-          Custom shading and staining

-          Build-up Porcelain, contouring and glazing

-          Layering techniques

-          Work in a timely and efficient manner



-          Minimum 3 years of relevant work as a Technician

-          Excellent communication skills

-          Ability to meet deadlines and work in a fast-paced environment

-          Must be Canadian Citizen or have legal status in Canada


-          Lab Technician Diploma and Post Secondary Education considered an asset





Please submit your Coverletter, Resume, and Portfolio via Indeed.ca or directly email to us at info@unicedental.com with the subject line: Application for Ceramist, wax, or metal

Only selected individuals will be contacted for interviews. Please also note there will be a skill test either during the interview or as a separate day – details will be provided to selected Candidates.

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