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총 게시물 230건, 최근 0 건 안내
이전글  다음글  검색목록 목록

2015 캘거리지역 한인장학생 모집공고

글쓴이 : 운영자 날짜 : 2015-07-11 (토) 18:18 조회 : 22818
글주소 : http://www.cakonet.com/b/B10-114

공고 대상및 장학금

1.예체능 특기자 고등학교 장학생(grade 11-12 as of Sept 2015: $750/person)

2.대학교 학부장학생 ($1500/person)

3.의대/법대/치대/안과대 장학생($2000/person)

4.Categories: 일반, 예체능 특기자, 재정지원 장학금. 고등학생은 예체능 특기자에 한함

자격조건: 캘거리주변에 거주하고있는 캐나다시민권, 영주권, 부모가 워킹비자를 소지하고있는 학생. 자세한 내용은 신청서 양식에 참조

신청서: 다운받기 클릭

접수 마감일과 제출서:

1. 마감일시: 2015년 8월13일 목요일 3:00pm

2. 장학금시상식: 2015년 10월3일 토요일 5:00pm 한인회

3. 제출서: 캘거리 한인장학재단 (Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation)

4. 장소: 7008 Farrell Rd  SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T2

☎ 문의:  민병기 (403-239-5154, bkmin@telus.net), 조현주(403-567-0402, hyunjucho@hotmail.com)

* 기타자세한 내용은 홈페이지(http://calgaryksf.org/) 또는 캐코넷(cakonet.com) 참고

* 뜻 있는 지역한인분들의 장학금 후원을 환영합니다.

Amounts of Scholarship & Categories:

1.Special talent Senior High (Grade 11-12 only as of Sept 2015) school students: $750/person

2.College, University: $1500/person (undergrad only)

3.Medical/Dentistry/Ophthalmology/Law School Students: $2000/person

4. Categories: General, Arts/Sports and Bursary

Eligibility: Any Canadian, Korean-Canadian and whose parent(s) resides in Calgary or its immediate vicinity; Airdrie, Lethbridge, who is currently enrolled as a full time student at an educational institution (including colleges, universities, medical/law/dentistry/ophthalmology school as of September 2015) is eligible for the CKSF scholarship. CKSF will not evaluate application from student whose parent(s) resides north of Airdrie. A limited numbers of scholarship will be available to Korean Visa students whose parent has a working visa. A student can receive scholarship awards from CKSF once in college/university and once in the medical/law/dentistry/ophthalmology school. A limited number of regular scholarship (up to 30%) is available for the 2nd time to exceptionally qualified college and university students. CKSF also supports one Parliamentary intern annually (application in January each year) and one United Nations intern annually who applied and accepted as an UN intern.

• Scholarships for Medical/Law/Dentistry/Ophthalmology students, Bursary, UN intern and parliament intern are reserved for Korean speaking applicants only.

Documents to be submitted:  Application Form Download Click

Send the application: Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation (7008 Farrell Rd SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T2)

*Documents must be received by August 13, 2015: 3:00 pm.

*Scholarship Award Day Oct 3, 2015, 5:00pm at Calgary Korean Association Hall

For further detailed information,

: Byung Kee Min 403-239-5154 (bkmin@telus.net), Dr. HyunJu Cho(403)567-0402 (hyunjucho@hotmail.com)

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“CKSF가 한인학생들의 큰 꿈을 펼치는데 도움이 되어드리겠습니다!”|
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